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The C3P-O certificate



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How the C3P-O or Soft Skills analysis works  :


The CCP approach (professional behavioral skills) makes it possible to facilitate the professional positioning of candidates who are far from jobs without a diploma or professional experience. It highlights key behaviors, which are in themselves the guarantors of future professional success.  The constitution of this grid of 12  behavioral skills (soft skills) is the result of a cross-assessment at several levels:

  • The candidate (self-assessment, social activity, etc.)

  • The last job or internship ( employer evaluation )

  • The employment innovation partner (questionnaire)

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Employers or candidates assess CCPs

How to take the questionnaire?

You are candidates  

You have the opportunity to do your self-assessment on the 14 CCPs expected in companies.   The results will be  compiled with the other evaluations, namely the "personality and motivations" tests  as well as the evaluation of your referent  business.  They will result in the delivery of a behavioral skills certificate that you can present to a future employer in addition to your CV and cover letter .

Please note that this certificate is not a pre-selection tool in a company but a professional positioning tool which must be integrated into a validation process through the recruitment interview.


As a candidate you must be able to argue through factual situations of the real acquisition of his behavioral skills


How to take the questionnaire?

You are Referents or Employers

As a company referent (employer or integration officer) you had the opportunity to see or work with the (trainee, candidate, employee ...).

He now needs to have  your feedback on its CCP-O  (observable professional behavioral skills).

Of course, the evaluator posture is always delicate, but it is your observations.  and your subjectivite  that matters here.

You just need to be honest about your knowledge of the candidate.  

Your evaluation (coefficient 2) will also be crossed with a self-evaluation as well as personality and motivation tests. 

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Thanks to the people in charge of

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